Monday, January 31, 2011

Just for 15 minutes

Writers like me, have a love hate relationship with actually writing. We love to write. LOVE it, and hate to write - because it's so difficult. Anne Lamott says, writers like this like to 'have written' but the actually writing part is what they don't like. I am not quite that bad. I also like the writing part, it's just that - well it's killing me. Like today, I tried to write for just 15 minutes. And I wrote a great 300 words. Then spent (and I'm not making this up) the next 45 minutes editing those 300 words. I'm still not happy with the way the piece reads. But, at least I've written. So, my encouragement for you today is to just set the timer for 15 minutes. It's a great limit and anyone can find 15 min. Even if you are the busy mother of four - you can do it in 5 minute segments. And write. Then even if you are like me and have to edit for 45 minutes after your 15 minutes of writing - you will at least be able to say, you 'have written'. Go on, do it.